Cybersecurity Solutions for Long Island Businesses: Managing Compliance and Mitigating Risks

Cybersecurity solutions are more critical than ever for Long Island businesses, with cyberattacks escalating to 480,000 incidents in 2022 alone. Compliance management within cybersecurity offers a structured approach to safeguarding your digital assets and maintaining operational integrity. This article outlines effective strategies to enhance your cybersecurity framework and ensure compliance. 

Understanding Cyber Risk and Compliance in Long Island 

As a business owner in Long Island, you’re well aware that cyber risks are not just theoretical threats—they are immediate challenges that can impact your operations, finances, and reputation. But what exactly constitutes a cyber risk? Any potential threat could lead to financial loss, disruption of your operations, or damage to your company’s reputation. This is due to failures or breaches within your information technology systems. 

Long Island is dynamic, with businesses ranging from small local boutiques to sprawling tech firms. Each stores sensitive data that could be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The need for a comprehensive cyber risk management strategy from a cyber security company like LI Tech has never been more critical. This strategy ensures your business operations comply with all the regulatory standards governing cybersecurity solutions. 

Key Regulations Affecting Cybersecurity: 

When you understand all the regulations, you can implement the right cybersecurity solutions to better protect your company’s interests and keep your customers’ information safe.   

Callout 1: Hacker at desk on laptop with glowing digital padlock- quote from text about what constitutes a cyber risk

Key Cybersecurity Risks for Businesses in Long Island 

Just understanding the rules you need to follow isn’t enough. You also need to recognize the cybersecurity threats that could undermine your operations and client trust. Recognizing and understanding these risks is your first line of defense when it comes to cybersecurity solutions. Here are some specific cybersecurity risks that you should be aware of: 

  • Data Breaches: Any unauthorized access to your business data leads to the exposure of your customer’s sensitive information, trade secrets, or internal communication. 
  • Malware Infections: There is malicious software out there that can easily infect your system. If that happens, it leads to data theft, data integrity loss, and the disruption of your operational abilities. 
  • Phishing Attacks: One of the most frequent ways cybercriminals get into your system is through fraudulent communications, often disguised as legitimate emails. Employees might not understand they are really opening the door for outsiders to steal sensitive data such as login credentials and credit card numbers. 
  • Ransomware: A type of malware that locks you out of your systems, demanding a ransom to restore access, potentially crippling your business operations. 
  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: These attacks work by flooding your systems with excessive traffic that overwhelms your resources and disrupts service. The result is a significant impact on your business availability. 
  • Insider Threats: Employees or contractors with access to corporate networks and data can become a threat if they maliciously or unintentionally breach security protocols. 
  • Poor Network Security: Weak security measures leave your network vulnerable to intrusions. It makes it easier for attackers to gain unauthorized access. 
  • Outdated Systems: When you put off updating your software and hardware, you are creating opportunities for vulnerabilities to remain in your system that cybercriminals can exploit. 

At LI Tech, we offer Long Island managed IT services that focus on robust cybersecurity solutions designed to protect your business from these risks. When you partner with us for compliance as a service, you strengthen your defense mechanisms.   

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The Role of Compliance Management in Cybersecurity Solutions

Compliance management is the structured process businesses follow to ensure they meet all the legal, regulatory, and technical standards related to cybersecurity. For companies in Long Island, staying compliant is not just about avoiding fines. You need to build a framework that enhances the security and integrity of your IT systems. 

Here are a few key components of effective compliance management: 

Regular Risk Assessments

Regularly conducting and updating risk assessments, with the help of LI Tech Solutions, is how your business stays ahead of potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach means you’re always prepared for emerging threats. It also helps align your cybersecurity solutions with the latest industry standards. As threats evolve, your defenses need to as well. 

Adherence to Standards

Compliance with established cybersecurity standards, like ISO 27001, NIST, and PCI DSS, is crucial for maintaining strong defenses against cyber threats. These standards provide a framework for managing the security of information assets, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and information entrusted to you by third parties. Following these guidelines helps minimize risks and enhances your business’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of customers and partners. 

Employee Training

Human error remains one of the largest security vulnerabilities to any organization. Your company is not immune to this issue. By implementing regular training sessions, you give your employees the knowledge and skills they need to avoid these threats, including phishing attacks, password breaches, and other common cyber threats. Effective training reduces the likelihood of breaches and fosters a culture of security awareness throughout the organization. 

These components form the backbone of a comprehensive compliance management system. And that system protects against the financial ramifications of non-compliance and strengthens your overall cybersecurity posture.   

CO3: Compliance concept on laptop screen- Three components of cybersecurity compliance

How Long Island Businesses Implement Proactive Cybersecurity Compliance 

Training and internal compliance regulation alone aren’t enough to protect your systems. Achieving and maintaining compliance requires a proactive approach to cybersecurity solutions. This includes the integration of compliance tasks into daily workflows. Here’s how you can enhance your cybersecurity compliance from inside your IT system: 

Implement  Security Measures

Tailor your cybersecurity infrastructure to the unique needs of your business. Implement firewalls, advanced encryption, and state-of-the-art intrusion detection systems. These technologies serve as the first line of defense against cyber threats, safeguarding your critical data from unauthorized access and potential breaches. Regular updates and configuration adjustments are vital to adapt to the evolving cyber threat landscape, ensuring your defenses remain robust. 

Regular Compliance Audits

Conduct scheduled compliance audits to uncover potential vulnerabilities and ensure you meet all regulatory requirements continuously. These audits provide a systematic review of your cybersecurity practices and policies, helping identify areas for improvement. Staying ahead of compliance through these audits protects you from penalties and reinforces your commitment to security for your clients and partners. 

Engage With Managed IT Services

Partner with a Long Island managed service provider to leverage their expertise in maintaining compliance and managing complex IT environments. At LI Tech Solutions, we offer tailored IT consulting in Long Island and can handle the heavy lifting of compliance management, from routine monitoring to specific compliance-related tasks. This support is especially beneficial for businesses that may not have the resources to maintain a full-scale, in-house Long Island IT services department.   

Callout 4: Four ways LI Tech Solutions implements proactive cybersecurity compliance

By following these steps, your business can establish a strong foundation for cybersecurity compliance, turning complex regulatory challenges into manageable tasks. Whether you’re enhancing current measures or building a new compliance strategy, remember that effective compliance is a continuous process that not only protects but also adds value to your business. 

Secure Your Business’s Future: Take Action on Cybersecurity Compliance Today 

If you’re running a business in Long Island, you know just how important it is to integrate robust cybersecurity solutions and compliance management into your operations. Not sure where to start? Contact LI Tech Solutions, one of the best cybersecurity companies in Long Island, NY. We ensure that your business is protected against today’s threats and prepared for tomorrow’s challenges. Secure your peace of mind by taking proactive steps toward effective cybersecurity compliance now.

Cybersecurity Consulting in Long Island: Navigating Digital Threats With Expert MSP Solutions

Cybersecurity has swiftly moved from a back-office concern to a frontline imperative for businesses, especially in the dynamic environment of Long Island and NYC metro area. For midsize businesses in Long Island, NY, and beyond, understanding the role of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) and Managed IT Services Providers (MSPs) in safeguarding digital assets is crucial. This article discusses the challenges and innovative solutions MSPs provide in cybersecurity consulting, focusing on the current and evolving needs of businesses.

Understanding the Vital Role of MSPs in Cybersecurity

In the bustling business environment of Long Island, NY, MSPs have become indispensable allies in fortifying businesses against digital threats. These cybersecurity consulting experts bring a combination of knowledge, technology, and strategy that is essential for comprehensive digital protection. 

Callout 1: quote from text about MSP's safeguarding digital assets in Long Island, NY

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Consulting Services in Long Island, NY

MSPs, including those specializing as managed security service providers, offer a holistic suite of services that encompass everything from conducting regular security audits to providing real-time monitoring and rapid incident response. This ensures that businesses are not only protected against current threats but are also prepared for emerging risks.

Outsourcing IT Services for Enhanced Security

By outsourcing IT services to MSPs, businesses can leverage the advanced expertise and technologies that these providers offer. This arrangement not only enhances the security posture of a company but also allows internal teams to focus on core business functions, safe in the knowledge that their cybersecurity is in expert hands.

Customized Cybersecurity Solutions

Recognizing that no two businesses are the same, MSPs in Long Island provide customized cybersecurity services tailored to the specific needs of each client. Whether it’s protecting sensitive customer data for an e-commerce site or securing a robust IT infrastructure for a financial service provider, MSPs offer solutions that are as unique as the businesses they protect.

Staying Ahead of Cyber Threats

MSPs are continually updating their strategies and tools to stay ahead of cybercriminals. This includes employing cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning for predictive threat analysis and employing advanced cybersecurity consulting services to safeguard businesses against sophisticated cyber-attacks. 

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Cybersecurity Threats and How MSPs Counter Them

Cybersecurity threats are diverse and ever-changing. MSPs employ a variety of strategies to protect businesses against these threats.

Managed Security Service Provider Expertise

MSPs, acting as managed security service providers, utilize their specialized expertise to detect and mitigate a wide array of cyber threats. This includes safeguarding against malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and more. They keep businesses ahead of cybercriminals by staying updated on the latest threat intelligence and cybersecurity trends.

Proactive Monitoring and Incident Response

MSPs provide continuous monitoring of your IT infrastructure, ensuring that potential threats are identified and addressed swiftly. In the event of a security breach, rapid incident response minimizes damage and helps in quick recovery. This proactive approach is vital in a landscape where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated.

Tailored Cybersecurity Strategies

Recognizing the unique cybersecurity challenges faced by businesses in Long Island, MSPs offer customized strategies. This might include implementing advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and comprehensive cybersecurity services that are designed to meet the specific needs of each business.

Educating and Empowering Employees

MSPs also play a crucial role in educating staff about cybersecurity best practices. By providing training on recognizing and responding to potential threats, MSPs empower employees to be an active part of the business’s cybersecurity defense. 

Top Benefits of Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

Callout 3: Cybersecurity threats and how MSP[s counter them- four strategies

Secure Your Digital Assets With LI Tech Solutions in Long Island and NYC Area

Effective cybersecurity is a cornerstone of business resilience. That’s where LI Tech Solutions shines. As Long Island’s leading managed IT services provider, we specialize in comprehensive cybersecurity consulting, from data protection to cutting-edge cloud infrastructure.

We’re committed to crafting customized cybersecurity strategies that safeguard your business’s digital landscape. Reach out today and take a crucial step toward a secure, resilient digital future with LI Tech Solutions.

Understanding IAM in the Modern Cybersecurity Landscape: Challenges and Solutions

Identity and access management (IAM) is no longer the unsung hero of cybersecurity companies; it’s a headliner. As technology takes over every facet of business operations, the need for robust and versatile identity and access management solutions becomes increasingly urgent. 

If you’re a midsize company in Long Island, NY, or frankly, anywhere else, it’s high time to explore what IAM can do for you. This article will examine the challenges and solutions in IAM, specifically focusing on modern-day demands and trends.  

Callout 1: cybersecurity concept with icons- Identity and access management (IAM) quote from text.

Identity and Access Management | LI Tech Solutions Explains

Identity and access management, or IAM, serves as the cornerstone for secure access to your organization’s digital resources— emails, databases, or even things like spreadsheets. 

It’s not just about keeping the bad actors out; IAM makes sure the right people can do their jobs without tripping over digital security barriers. That’s where having effective identity and access management solutions pays off big time for not just tech companies but businesses of all types.

The Two Pillars: Identity Management and Access Management

IAM is a two-sided coin. On one side, we have Identity Management, which maintains a continuously updated record of all the entities that should have access to your systems. 

This involves details such as employee names, their designations, mobile numbers, and much more. When someone tries to log in, this is the database that gets consulted.

The process of confirming this information against the credentials provided is known as “authentication.”

Now, let’s flip the coin. The other side is Access Management. This is where the system ensures that once inside, users only have access to the resources they’re supposed to. 

It’s not a free-for-all. Factors like job title, length of service, and security clearance influence what a user can and cannot access. This selective granting of privileges is what we refer to as “authorization.”  

Callout 2: Identity management- 3 facts. Access management- 3 facts.

The Extra Layer: Multi Factor Authentication

Many organizations take authentication up a notch with multifactor authentication (MFA). For example, Microsoft identity and access management works like this: After entering the username and password, a user receives a one-time code sent to a secondary verification method.

Could be a mobile phone or a personal email. Enter that code within the stipulated time, and you’re in. This extra step significantly amplifies the security of identity and access management companies.

Long Island Cloud-Managed Services Company Discusses Microsoft’s Vision for IAM and Cloud Security

Not Just for On-Site Employees

IAM isn’t just for your 9-to-5, in-office crowd. With the advent of hybrid work models, IAM extends its secure arm to employees working remotely, contractors, vendors, and even business partners. 

The beauty of IAM is its adaptability, ensuring the right level of access is granted on the right machine, irrespective of location.

It’s clear that IAM is not merely a luxury but a necessity in our increasingly interconnected and perilous digital landscape. It offers a robust framework that not only streamlines authentication but also administers fine-grained access control based on real-time conditions.  

Callout 3: two-factor authentication and face identification security concept- multifactor (MFA) fact. IAM facts

The Compelling Advantages of Identity and Access Management Solutions

IAM isn’t some passing fad. On the contrary, it’s a robust system offering a host of benefits that modern organizations can’t afford to ignore. Here’s why:

Tailored Access Through Role-Based Control

IAM’s role-based access control (RBAC) is the gatekeeper you didn’t know you needed. RBAC ensures that users have just the right amount of access to perform their jobs effectively. 

It’s all about customizing access based on a user’s role within the organization. Whether fixed or custom permissions, RBAC is built for scalability and precision.

Boosting Productivity While Keeping It Secure

Say goodbye to the days of juggling multiple logins and passwords. With features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and unified user profiles, IAM brings secure access into one convenient package.

The result? Employees can navigate across on-premises resources, cloud data, and third-party apps effortlessly.

Fortified Defenses Against Data Breaches

We’ve all heard the horror stories of hacks and data breaches. While there’s no foolproof plan, identity and access management tools like multifactor authentication and passwordless authentication considerably improve your security game. 

These features provide more robust ways to verify identity beyond just a username and password, effectively reducing risk.

Encryption: The Invisible Security Guard

Many IAM systems come equipped with encryption tools that guard your data while it’s in transit. Plus, features like Conditional Access enable IT administrators to set conditions such as device or location for access.

So even if a breach occurs, your data remains locked in an impenetrable vault, only accessible under verified conditions. 

Trends and Predictions in IT Outsource Services for Microsoft AI 

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Streamlining IT Operations

There’s no denying that IT departments regularly have their plates full. Identity and access management solutions offer a helping hand by automating tasks such as password resets and account unlocks. 

It’s not just about making life easier for IT; it’s also about paving the way for more strategic tasks, like implementing a Zero Trust security framework.

Facilitating Smooth and Secure Collaboration

Speed and security don’t always go hand-in-hand, but with IAM, they do. The system ensures quick yet secure interactions between  stakeholders like employees, vendors, and contractors. 

Plus, automated workflows make role transfers and onboarding a breeze, saving time and energy.

From tailored access to streamlined IT operations, IAM is a powerhouse that ticks a lot of boxes on an organization’s wish list. 

Boost Your Identity and Access Management Solutions With LI Tech Solutions

You get it—consumer identity and access management is essential. But understanding IAM and implementing it are two different ballgames. That’s where LI Tech Solutions steps in.

As the go-to managed IT services provider in Long Island and New York City, we specialize in everything from data protection to cloud infrastructure—exactly what you need for a digital upgrade. 

We invite you to get in touch with LI Tech Solutions today. We’re the managed IT services Long Island trusts. And we have identity and access management solutions tailored just for you.

4 Dangerous Ransomware Myths Proven False

What Is Data Protection? Why It’s Important and Why Cybersecurity Can’t Be Separate

Ransomware is one of the most pervasive and dangerous forms of malware or computer virus. Not only is it dangerous for individual desktops and mobile devices, but it can be positively catastrophic for businesses of all sizes in Long Island, NYC.

A ransomware attack occurs when a virus installs itself on a device, like a desktop or phone. It finds and encrypts sensitive data or locks down the device completely unless a ransom is paid, usually in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

Unfortunately, many business owners believe that they are safe from ransomware, or believe other harmful myths about this digital threat. Today, we’ll bust four myths about ransomware so you’re better equipped to protect yourself and your business in the future.  

Callout 1: Ransomware words in all caps- ransomware quote from text.

Myth 1 – Ransomware Attackers Only Target Big Companies

Many small to mid-sized business owners erroneously believe that their enterprises are safe from ransomware attacks. They think ransomware cybercriminals only target big businesses with tons of customers and lots of extra money in the bank. This is not true in the slightest.

In truth, most ransomware attackers don’t know the identities of their victims. They send out ransomware attacks, such as phishing emails, rather indiscriminately. If they get anyone to install the virus on a computer terminal, they’ve succeeded. Most individuals don’t know what to do, and will pay the ransom out of desperation.

According to a Cybersecurity Special Report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and RSM, 23% of middle-market company executives reported at least ransomware ransom or attack in 2022. This demonstrates how any brand can be vulnerable to ransomware attacks, not just big businesses.

If you think your small business is safe just because you’ve been fortunate enough not to run into a ransomware attack yet, think again. Sooner or later, you and your employees will know what to do when you’re targeted (albeit blindly) by a ransomware-armed cybercriminal.

Myth 2 – Paying a Ransom Demand is Safer

By nature, each ransomware virus demands a ransom from its victim. Some business owners and individuals think that paying the ransom demand is safer, especially if the ransom message says that the criminal will delete sensitive data or expose sensitive files if payments aren’t made ASAP.

In truth, you should never pay a ransom demand if a device is infected with a ransomware virus. Ransomware creators can’t be trusted – they’re criminals, after all. More importantly, there’s nothing stopping those criminals from carrying out whatever ill ideas they have in mind after you fork over the cash.

It’s a much better idea to work with incident response or IR cybersecurity specialists. They can deal with ransomware attacks, evaluate the situation, and help you get access to sensitive data quickly without having to pay the bad actors. Even if paying the ransom is the right move, you should only do it with a cybersecurity negotiator on your team.

Whatever you do, don’t keep a ransomware attack to yourself. Inform your employees or your cybersecurity specialists so the proper response can begin at the earliest opportunity.  

Callout 2: Myth 1 box- 2 facts. Myth 2 box- 2 facts.

Myth 3 – Antivirus Will Always Keep You Safe

Strong antivirus software is certainly a great tool in your overall digital defense toolkit. However, it won’t universally keep yourself or your company safe from ransomware and other malware attacks.

The truth is that digital defenses must constantly keep up with newly evolving viruses and cyber attack threat vectors. Even the best antivirus firewall can have gaps in its armor from time to time. Therefore, a new ransomware virus that hasn’t been detected and studied before might slip through and attack your business’s sensitive files.

Furthermore, many ransomware attacks occur through antivirus software because of employee negligence. One of the most common vectors for ransomware is a phishing email, which is a scam email that installs a virus onto a user terminal when it is opened.

Therefore, you can’t just rely on antivirus to keep your enterprise safe. You must also:

  • Use regular cloud security monitoring for your sensitive files. Such monitoring and alert you as soon as a cyber breach is detected
  • Train your employees to recognize and avoid ransomware threats. For instance, teaching your employees basic cyber hygiene skills, like not opening suspicious-looking emails, can do wonders to reduce the vulnerability of your business to ransomware attacks

Myth 4 – Backups Are Enough to Protect Against Ransomware

It might be tempting to think that backing up your sensitive data is enough to protect you if the worst comes to pass if your business crashes with a ransomware attack. However, backups can’t always be relied upon to save the day, nor can they always protect your brand from reputational damage amongst your customers.

In fact, many cybercriminals now have advanced malicious tactics to compromise backup files, locking them down or deleting them if ransomware victims don’t pay the fines.

So-called double extortion attacks involve cybercriminals encrypting and stealing data at the same time. So even if you do have a backup of key data ready to go, the criminals can still leak that sensitive data unless you pay the demanded ransom.

Given these threats, you shouldn’t merely rely on backups to protect your business and its reputation. Instead, keep the above tips in mind – such as training your employees and hiring cybersecurity specialists – to shore up your business’s digital defenses as much as possible.  

Are You Properly Backing Up Your Business Data?

Callout 3: Myth 3 box- 2 facts. Myth 4 box- 2 facts.

Contact LI Tech for the Best NY Cybersecurity Assistance

As you can see, ransomware is far more dangerous than you may have initially realized. Even though some of your ideas about ransomware have been busted, remember that you can protect your business and your personal files by working with the right security partners.

At LI Tech, our capable specialists can draw up a list of security best practices for you and your employees to follow. We also offer a spread of managed cloud security services in Long Island, NYC. Contact us today to see how we can keep you safe from ransomware.

What Is Data Protection? Why It’s Important and Why Cybersecurity Can’t Be Separate

A typical data breach in the United States costs around $9.44 million—more than twice the global average. Healthcare is the top sector affected by pricey data breaches, but any business can be severely affected. Data protection and cybersecurity should be a top concern for Long Island, NYC business owners. A data breach can threaten your profits, your reputation, your employees, and your customers. It can also put your enterprise at legal risk.

If you’re wondering exactly what data protection entails – and why you should make it a priority – this article will answer some of your questions. It can be hard to distinguish between data protection and cybersecurity measures, since the two are so intertwined. Some people view cybersecurity as a technical field, and data security as more direct safeguarding measures. But this view is an oversimplification of both. We’ll explore the relationship between data protection and cybersecurity, and we’ll also take a look at how LI Tech Solutions can help you shield your business from harm.

Streamlining Healthcare Data Management with Managed IT Services in Long Island

Callout 1: Quote from text about data protection for Long Island and NYC businesses

What Is Data Protection | Long Island Tech Solutions Explains

Data protection is the act of shielding your information from unwanted access. You need to take steps to make sure sensitive information isn’t altered or destroyed—or leaked to unauthorized parties. LI Tech Solutions is the best cybersecurity company in Long Island, NYC. So naturally, we handle all aspects of data protection, including:

  • Backup solutions, such as cloud and on-site architecture and centralized real-time dashboards
  • Disaster recovery solutions including end-to-end encryption

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a more generalized term that describes the “art” of protecting digital networks, devices and data – and ensuring its privacy and accessibility. Malware, hacking, and the exploitation of programming errors that cause vulnerabilities are just a few of the threats that cybersecurity experts have to combat.

Callout 2: Data security concept- What is data protection? What is cybersecurity? definitions given

Why Data Protection Is So Crucial for Businesses in Long Island, NYC

At LI Tech Solutions, we understand that if disaster or sabotage strikes your business, your quick response is critical. Your data doesn’t just sit motionless. It travels from one point to another, and it’s exposed to multiple vulnerabilities along the way. There’s no such thing as data that’s free from any possible threat.

These are some primary reasons you should invest in state-of-the-art data protection for your enterprise.

Keep employee and client data confidential

You probably have access to sensitive data about your team members and customers alike. Personally identifiable information is a broad category that includes direct identifiers and quasi-identifiers. In other words, it refers to data that can be used on its own to identify a person, or data that can be combined with other bits of information to build an identity.

Direct identifiers include information such as:

  • Social Security numbers
  • Driver’s licenses
  • First and last names

Four types of indirect identifiers include:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Birth date
  • Zip code

When you allow unauthorized users to access any personal information, you expose employees and/or customers to identity theft, fraud, and other serious threats.

Find out more in our blog: Understanding IAM in the Modern Cybersecurity Landscape: Challenges and Solutions

Callout 3: Why data protection is so crucial for businesses - 4 reasons listed

Stay in compliance with regulatory bodies

The GDPR and CCPA are designed to protect individuals and consumers from harm by regulating entities that access and store their data. The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, applies to all businesses that conduct any transactions within the EU. The CCPA, or California Consumer Privacy Act, safeguards consumers’ rights to control their own personal information. Failure to comply with regulatory bodies that govern your business can lead to legal action and fees: up to $7500 per violation of the CCPA, and a wide range of penalties for violating the GDPR. Clearly, prevention is the best approach.

Build consumer and market trust

A data breach can harm your brand’s value and reputation in ways that are hard to repair. Today’s consumers care more about whether their personal information is protected than ever before. If your clients are involved in a data breach, they’ll probably stop giving you their business. Investors are also likely to shy away from companies with a reputation for poor security measures.

Protect your intellectual property

Businesses in the United States lose between $180 billion and $540 billion every year when their trade secrets are stolen. On top of that, they’re often subject to hefty legal fees as they seek to rebuild after the damage caused by a data breach. When you lose control of the things that make your business unique, it can be hard to measure the financial losses involved.

Why Data Protection Is So Crucial for Businesses | Find The Best Tech Solutions in Long Island, NY

Business owners often make the mistake of handling data protection and cybersecurity as two separate entities. However, this approach is costly since it involves multiple teams – and it’s also not the most effective way to ward off threats. Let’s examine a few key reasons.

Threats are complex and evolving

As technology evolves, digital threats become more sophisticated to keep pace. Those with malicious intent will stop at nothing to gain access to your data, and their skill sets are more comprehensive than ever. To stop them, you need a multi-layered approach that integrates data protection and cybersecurity skills.

Cybercriminals can bypass data protection measures

Data protection solutions are effective for what they’re designed to do. But cybercriminals can sometimes find a way around them. For example, MFA (multi-factor authentication) might protect your devices from access by non-employees. But cybercriminals can conduct a brute force attack to simply figure out both points of authentication through trial and error.

Data protection skills are necessary when cybercrime strikes

After a major cybersecurity breach, your top priority is making your data secure again. This does mean implementing measures that directly address the source of the breach. But it also means taking a comprehensive approach and revisiting all your data protection policies to safeguard against the next attack.

Callout 4: 2 boxes- Why data protection & cybersecurity go hand in hand - 3 reasons. How to approach data protection & cybersecurity together - 3 actions to take

How to Approach Data Protection and Cybersecurity Together | LI Tech Solutions from NY Explains

We’ve got a few tips that can help you form an integrated approach to protect your business.

Maintain a company-wide culture of data safety

When data is handled carelessly, hackers can more easily gain access to your systems. The best way to safeguard your information is to have your data protection and cybersecurity specialists work together – and to frequently educate your entire team about proper procedures.

Ultimately, humans are often the vulnerable points in an organization that bad actors will exploit to access sensitive data. Everyone in your organization – not just your security specialists – is responsible to keep your information safe.

Opt for end-to-end solutions

An end-to-end solution is one that provides a complete answer to a problem, without having to rely on external sources. LI Tech Solutions offers end-to-end services that protect your data from start to finish, anticipating and addressing threats on all fronts.

Partner with specialists who have multiple skills to offer

Why hire a team of data protection specialists if they can’t handle other cybersecurity needs? Why invest in a cybersecurity partnership if you’ll need to find someone else to handle your data protection? If Long Island government systems are vulnerable to crippling cyberattacks, it’s clear that cybercrime is a significant threat to local businesses, too. Ultimately, the best cybersecurity company in Long Island, NYC will bring a comprehensive skill set to the table. 

Handle All Your Data Protection and Cybersecurity Needs with the Best MSP Services in LI and New York City

As the best MSP on Long Island, LI Tech Solutions offers all the services you need – without the burden of maintaining full-time IT staff. Is it time to outsource your IT support needs to the experts? Call 516.210.6400 today and ask for a free consultation and technology assessment!