Mission-Critical Cloud Applications and Compliance

Cloud infrastructure is a critical component to millions of businesses. No longer are sensitive data and applications relegated to on-premises solutions. According to the Cloud Security Alliance, 69% of enterprises around the globe are rapidly moving mission-critical and sensitive data to the cloud.

With a massive migration, regulatory compliance has become part of the foundational focus for the modern enterprise. Data-sensitive industries such as healthcare and financials must continually be on the alert for non-compliant system behavior.

Moving data from an on-premises solution to the cloud forces an organization to re-examine compliance issues. How that data is kept so that it remains in conformance with current laws and industry regulations is a critical element.

Off-Premises and SaaS Solutions

Financial and healthcare organizations are opting for an off-premises alternative to their file and content needs. Shifting to off-premises can be a difficult choice for companies. However, if done right, off-premises is a highly secure and viable option for the enterprise. 

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The Benefits of Mission-Critical, Off-Premises File Servers | Long Island Tech Solutions Highlights

    • Cost-Effective: Less on-site hardware and personnel needed to maintain the equipment
    • Scalable: Pay only for what is needed
    • Anytime/Anywhere Access: A perfect solution for health and financial accounting personnel
    • Authentication and Encryption: Data is secure with encryption keys kept on-premises
    • Regular Backups, Software Patching
    • Virus, Spam, and Malware Protection
    • Managed by a Professional Third-Party


Businesses of all sizes in the Long Island and Brooklyn area have come to rely on advanced IT firms similar to Li Tech Solutions. Managed SaaS offerings from Li Tech provide cutting-edge software delivery models. These financial and healthcare enterprise solutions are provided throughout the region.

Li Tech’s advanced software-on-demand and other similar services are offered with the help of Microsoft Azure, a world-leading, cloud-hosted enterprise. 

Regulatory-Compliant Cloud Service Providers | Stay Compliant with New York’s Best MSSP

Cyber stakes are high for every company. Keeping the intellectual property and mission-critical data safe from the constant barrage of cyberattacks takes a proactive approach.

Sensitive data and core applications drive the organization. Protecting this critical information requires affirmative and dynamic leadership.

Compliance for highly-regulated industries is a big target for cybercriminals because of the enormous payoffs they offer. 

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act set the foundation of financial compliance for cloud and on-premises solutions. The Act aims to safeguard sensitive financial data for its customers. Storing personal and financial information downstream has broad implications for Cloud Service Providers. 

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LI Tech cybersecurity experts expect more attacks due to the following conclusions:

  • More attacks on critical infrastructure are coming due to the widespread emergence of disparate remote networks.
  • Mission-critical breaches will expand because of hastily adjusted business mechanisms which leave wide security gaps for attackers.
  • New and more efficient email phishing attacks are growing. More mission-critical data is going into the attacker’s accounts.
  • Expect growth in state-sponsored attacks and industrial espionage. These attacks will concentrate on the sensitive data intellectual properties companies possess.
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence are attractive targets to cybercriminals. AI and ML technologies are closely linked to business automation methods.
  • The growing development of ransomware is expanding in the financial sector. Attackers will continue to target high-profile victims.

Companies in the financial industry should be selective when choosing a provider. CSPs should have a variety of physical and administrative safeguards in place. Another feature to consider with a CSP is data encryption. The CSP should be using at least a 128 Blowfish algorithm. SSL, with symmetric cryptography, keeps customer data safe while in transit to the cloud. 

Anticipated Threats For Business

Companies in healthcare, finance, and similar industries not only have to prepare for the worst, but they must also find ways to maintain uptime. Enterprises must remain open throughout every cyberattack while providing seamless services to customers and staying fully compliant.

Businesses continue to explore solutions that reduce on-premises cost and complexity while providing additional features and benefits to clients. On- and off-premises solutions are plentiful; it is wise to take the time, study all the options, and choose carefully. 

Callout 3- Three Anticipated Threats for Business listed with blue cloud computing background

Contact Long Island Tech Solutions | Most Experienced MSSP in New York City

Cyber vulnerabilities and risks continue to grow for businesses of all sizes. Modern-era companies need to be intelligence-driven and response-ready.

Effectively integrating cloud and outsourced services through Managed Security Service Providers has become critical to a successful organization. Cyber threats and attacks continue to challenge governments and businesses around the world.

Li Tech Solutions offers clients in Long Island and Brooklyn the mission-critical services every business needs to succeed. The phenomenal growth of Managed security service providers (MSSP), such as Li Tech Solutions, has the needed countermeasures to contain cyberattacks.   

How Data Compliance and Cybersecurity Differ

When you run a business, compliance and cybersecurity are two essential factors. Both are equally important for the seamless operation of your business. While compliance helps your business stay within the limits of industry or government regulations, security protects the integrity of your business and sensitive data.

It is worth noting that although security is a prime component of compliance, compliance does not equal security. This is because compliance does not consider the growing threat landscape and associated risks. What it considers, however, is a set of pre-defined policies, procedures, controls, etc. 

If an audit concludes that these pre-defined elements are adequate and your business adheres to them, everything is considered “okay” from a compliance standpoint. However, you still may not be up to scratch from a security standpoint, which only goes to show that you can be compliant but still fall short on security.

In other words, because compliance requirements take a predictable path and change slowly, the compliance landscape lags behind the rapidly changing, unpredictable security landscape.

Now, let’s find out how your business can benefit by combining compliance and cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Solutions for Long Island Businesses: Managing Compliance and Mitigating Risks

Get Covered With Security and Compliance Solutions

There are multiple security loopholes that you must proactively fix to stay out of danger. You can do it by deploying suitable security solutions. A few common security loopholes and related solutions are:

1. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) 

APTs across three attack pillars endpoints, network and the cloud — are capable of paralyzing hybrid/remote/on-site work environments. Experts estimate the global APT protection market to be worth close to $6 billion in 2021 and $12 billion in 2025.(1) This statistic highlights the trouble caused by APTs. The best way to tackle it is by deploying a solution that can: 

  • Offer 24/7 monitoring and threat hunting
  • Efficiently block malicious actors that evade firewalls and antivirus systems

2. Insider threats skyrocketing at alarming rates

Over the last two years, insider incidents have increased by 47%.(2) What makes the scenario even worse is the fact that insider threats are tough to detect. That’s why it is advisable to have an advanced internal threat detection solution that combines machine learning and intelligent tagging to identify anomalous activity, suspicious changes and threats caused by misconfiguration.

3. Lack of clarity about the network

Keeping track of all the computers, mobile phones, printers and servers on your business’ network is challenging, especially in today’s increasingly remote-first approach to work. But without knowing the devices on your network, it is not possible to know your IT network’s health. To combat this problem, you need an automated assessment and documentation solution capable of identifying risks to all assets, including those not physically connected to the network.

4. Untrained employees and credentials getting sold on the dark web

  • When your employees are untrained and are unaware of risky actions, it could lead to severe security setbacks. For example, an employee carelessly clicking on a phishing link could lead to a full-blown ransomware attack on your business. 
  • Another major cybersecurity issue that you may encounter is when your credentials get sold on the dark web. Experts estimate that 60% of the information available on the dark web could negatively affect most businesses’ security and financials.(3)
  • Remember that inadequate data access protocols are not just a security issue but can also land you in hot water with regulators.

Tackle all the above issues by deploying industry-best solutions for security awareness training, dark web monitoring and identity/access management.

Just like security loopholes, you must also fix compliance loopholes the moment you spot them. Non-compliance can even lead to regulators levying penalties as high as 4% of your company turnover.(4) Beyond financial loss, you will also have to face stakeholder dissatisfaction, drop in market share, etc. To avoid such trouble, use a solution that automates compliance processes and generates insightful reports that document compliance.

Long Island’s Best IT Company Offers MSP Data Protection & Recovery Tips

Convergence of Cybersecurity and Compliance

Most companies have at least minimum protection in place, such as an antivirus on workstations/active firewalls. However, you must make sure that your business’ security posture can withstand the growing cyberthreat landscape. With some effort, you can incorporate your security solutions into your compliance strategy as well. 

By carefully bringing both security and compliance together systematically, you can reduce risks significantly. To ramp up your organization’s security posture, you can implement strong authentication, data protection, access monitoring, network-to-edge defenses, etc. By routinely validating the effectiveness of these solutions once they’re in place, you can ensure your organization is taking the necessary measures to avoid non-compliance and security breaches. 

Ready to take the next step? We can help. Contact us today. 

Register for a consultation to learn more about how LI Tech Solutions can help you combine compliance and cybersecurity to prevent data compliance issues.



  1. Statista
  2. 2020-Global-Cost-of-Insider-Threats-Ponemon-Report
  3. CSO Online
  4. GDPR Associates